
What Happens During the Marinade Process?

What Happens During the Marinade Process?


What Happens During the Marinade Process?

Posted by Robert Hall, 4th July 2024

What Happens During the Marinade Process?


Marinating meat is a fascinating process that transforms raw beef into flavourful and tasty beef jerky. When you marinate beef for 48 hours like we do, a lot happens behind the scenes. Let's break down what’s going on in simple terms.


0-2 Hours: Getting Started


Make your marinade and dunk your beef.


1. Coating the Surface:

  • Spices and herbs in the marinade start sticking to the surface of the meat, forming a tasty layer.
  • The acids (like vinegar or lemon juice) in the marinade begin to soften the outer layer of the meat, starting the tenderizing process.


  1. Soaking Up the Goodness:


  • Diffusion: The flavours from the beef jerky marinade start to move into the meat. Think of it like soaking a sponge in water – the marinade begins to seep into the meat.
  • Osmosis: Water from the marinade for beef jerky also moves into the meat cells. Salt in the marinade helps draw out some moisture from the meat, which then mixes with the marinade and gets reabsorbed, taking the flavour deeper inside.



2-6 Hours: Getting Tender and Flavourful

1. Breaking Down Proteins:

  • Acids: The acidic components in the beef jerky marinade start breaking down the meat’s proteins, making it more tender. This process is like unravelling a ball of yarn, which makes the meat softer.
  • Enzymes: If the marinade has ingredients like papaya or pineapple, their natural enzymes help break down the meat proteins even more.


2. Salt Magic:

  • Salt continues to break down the meat fibres, helping the meat hold onto more water, which makes it juicier.

"The flavours from the marinade, which have deeply penetrated the meat, will shine in the final product."

- Robert Hall

6-12 Hours: Deep Flavour Infusion

6-12 Hours: Deep Flavour Infusion


1. Deep Penetration:

  • The flavours from the marinade continue to move deeper into the meat, making it taste better from the inside out.
  • By now, the meat has absorbed a lot of the marinade’s flavour.


2. Preparing for Cooking:

  • Sugars and amino acids in the marinade start to set up the meat for delicious browning and flavour development when it’s cooked or dried.

12-24 Hours: Enhanced Tenderness and Flavour

1. Continued Softening:

  • The acids and enzymes keep working on the meat’s proteins, making it even more tender. The meat’s texture improves as these components break down tough fibres.
  • The meat becomes more flavourful as the marinade ingredients bond with the meat proteins.

24-48 Hours: Perfecting the Flavour

1. Flavour Maturation:

  • The beef reaches its peak flavour as the marinade fully penetrates and integrates into the meat. This extended marination time ensures a well-rounded and deep flavour.
  • The meat is now as tender as it’s going to get, thanks to the prolonged exposure to the acids and enzymes.


2. Ready for Drying or Cooking:

  • The meat, now fully marinated, is ready to be dried or cooked. The flavours from the marinade, which have deeply penetrated the meat, will shine in the final product.

Summary of Key Reactions During Marination

  1. Soaking Up the Goodness: The marinade starts seeping into the meat.
  2. Coating the Surface: Spices and herbs stick to the meat’s surface.
  3. Breaking Down Proteins: Acids and enzymes soften the meat.
  4. Salt Magic: Salt helps the meat hold onto water, making it juicier.
  5. Deep Penetration: Flavours move deeper into the meat.
  6. Preparing for Cooking: Sugars and amino acids set the stage for delicious browning.
  7. Continued Softening: Acids and enzymes keep breaking down tough fibres.
  8. Flavour Maturation: The meat reaches peak flavour and tenderness.

Absorb all that?

Marinating meat for 48 hours involves a series of steps that turn the beef into flavourful, chewy and delicious jerky. Understanding these steps helps you appreciate the magic behind creating perfect beef jerky.


Whether you prefer the deep flavours from a wet marinade or the intense taste from a dry rub, the marinating process ensures you get a tasty and satisfying jerky experience.


Keep on Chewin',


The Beef Chief Team


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