Beef Jerky Subscription


To create the best tasting, best chewing, 100% Australian made Beef Jerky that leaves you satisfied EVERYTIME.

Choose Delivery Frequency

Each product page has 2 purchase options.

One-time or Subscribe and Save 10%. You'll then be able to choose how often you'd like us to ship that product to you.

We offer delivery every 2 weeks, 4 weeks, 6 weeks, 8 weeks and 12 weeks so you can find the sweet spot.

Why Subscribe?

Save 10%

We knock 10% off every order in your subscription as a thanks for being a loyal Chew Crew member.

Never forget to reorder

Nothing sucks more than waiting for the postie when you are desperate for a chew!

Edit Anytime

We make it easy to change, pause or cancel your recurring subscription.

Place Your Order

Your discount will be autmatically applied. You can double-check the delivery frequency under each item in your cart.

Please remember no further discounts can be applied to the subscription packages.

Edit Anytime!

Log into your customer account to view all acive subscriptions.

Hit the "Manage Subscription" button to make changes. You can add items, remove items, pause your next delivery or cancel your delivery entirely.

Beef Chief Best Sellers

Sign up today!

A never ending supply is as easy as placing one order. Consider it your personal beef jerky conveyor belt.  

Never again feel the "Chews Blues" from running out of your favourite beef jerky.  


Our products have received over 3500 glowing ratings from fair dinkum, beef loving Aussies all around our great country.


It's the Beef Chief Jerky guarantee.

Better with every chew

“Omg the flavour you's have put into a piece of mouth watering beef is unreal, soo good, keep doing a great job!!.”

— Dallas Green, verified customer.